Sunday 20 October 2013

The Origin Story

I was doing some thinking concering RP, fiction in general really, and wanted to know everyone's thoughts on writing origins and the cliches that tend to come with them.

I want to know what you like to see when exploring what made a character who they are, what you hate seeing all the time, how you tend to go about such things when writing backgrounds yourself.

To get started, I'll say I'm not the biggest fan of the orphan background in fiction. I get it, orphans exist, but there can't be that many that rise to greatness, right? My dislike for stuff like that has made me avert many of the cliches associated with it. Most, if not all, of my characters have one or both parents. Those without parents lost them as adults, usually due to old age or disease.

Sometimes it'd done well, I think. Star Wars, for example, started off very cliche. Parents dead, killed by the evil guy in black armor.

Nope! He's your father, Luke. And, you have a twin sister.

Though, that twist has created cliches, for better or worse, based on that too. Some writers would say for worse.

Tags: trent richardson   abigail breslin  

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