Thursday 25 April 2013

Shorter Naps, Imgur Galleries, and the Evernote Web Clipper

Readers offer their best tips for waking up quickly, downloading galleries from Imgur, and saving new things to Evernote.

Every day we receive boatloads of great reader tips in our inbox, but for various reasons?maybe they're a bit too niche, maybe we couldn't find a good way to present it, or maybe we just couldn't fit it in?the tip didn't make the front page. From the Tips Box is where we round up some of our favorites for your buffet-style consumption. Got a tip of your own to share? Add it in the comments, email it to tips at, or share it over at our user-run blog, Hackerspace.

Smooth the Transition Out of Dreamland by Sleeping Backwards

Chillychili finds a better way to wake up quickly:

Sometimes we wake up, realize it's already 6:30 (20 minutes too late too trudge through your home city's traffic in time), and quickly rush through breakfast to make it to work or school, realizing a bit too late that it's 6:30 at night. We often don't think much when we wake up due to drowsiness and just go on autopilot.

One way to avoid this is to sleep with the positions of your feet and head reversed for naps, days you need to catch a flight, weekends, or really any occasion that differs from your normal sleep. Immediately after waking up, your spatial awareness informs you of your place in time.

Photo by Martin Cathrae.

Add /zip to Imgur Galleries to Download All Photos at Once

Michael van Dorst discovers a tip for Imgur users:

If you view an album on Imgur, add /zip to the URL to download the whole album as a .zip file.

Save Anything with Evernote's Web Clipper and IFTTT

Wickedcupofjoe shares a solution to a problem she has on Pinterest:

I don't know why this didn't dawn on me earlier, but this morning it hit me like a ton of bricks: Pinterest?as much as I love thee?is horrible at storing information. In my meager little hunt for a meatball entr?e, I came across quite a few incorrectly pinned (a peeve for another time) recipes, as well as recipes where the link was dead. Which means, I'm stuck looking at delicious food images of entr?es I'll never be able to recreate. Luckily >this gal!< is technically inclined and knew to look for the cached page. Score!

In an attempt to make life easier for others, I attempted to place the recipe itself as the description of the pin, however, you're limited to 500 characters. The recipe I wanted to save had 679, and no matter how I abbreviated and removed excess characters, it wasn't fitting.

After fighting the character limit for a few moments, I raised the white flag and opened up Evernote. I'm still an on-again/off-again Evernote user (though I have bookmarked Whitson's article on how to use Evernote correctly and give it a full go once again) so it's usually moments like this when I open it.

I do utilize an IFTTT recipe that auto-saves any pin I create in Pinterest to Evernote, but that's not going to solve any dead links.

Wickedcupofjoe touches on a lot of issues here, but that IFTTT recipe is really what interests me here?you could use it with a lot of services, not just Pinterest, to save stuff and make it a lot easier to find later.

Restore Arrow Key Navigation in Gmail's Preview Pane Lab

Dustin Luck revives a dead Gmail feature:

About a month ago, Google decided to release a new feature that allowed using the arrow keys to navigate up and down in the thread list. Unfortunately, that meant that the arrow keys no longer work for scrolling the message body when the Preview Pane lab is enabled. I finally had enough, and wrote a Greasemonkey script to re-enable scrolling the preview pane with arrows. I?ve done some testing and it seems pretty stable. If you?re interested in trying it out, go for it. If you have any feedback, you can leave it in the forum on the userscripts site.


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